
McGeorge School of Law’s legal clinics change lives in Sacramento

students sit at a table

(从左至右)移民法律诊所监督律师布莱克·诺达尔, Katherine Linggi ’23, Justin Trinh ’23, former Staff Attorney Kishwer Vikaas, Shereen Ghaith ’23 and Cody McNearney ’22.

去年秋天,麦乔治法学院(McGeorge School of Law)帮助消除了令人震惊的1.62亿美元刑事债务, 与80名试图留在美国的阿富汗难民合作,为金融虐待受害者追回了400多万美元.

改变生活的法律援助是法学院学生的工作 legal clinics该机构自1964年以来一直为萨克拉门托社区的人们提供免费服务.

“参加移民法诊所是我在麦乔治大学期间的亮点 ... 我为客户的案子做的决定会影响他们的余生.” - Yessica López ’22

法学院的学生在学校的七个法律诊所担任法律顾问,为低收入和服务不足的社区成员提供法律咨询,帮助他们应对各种法律挑战. Students represent criminal defendants, mediate prisoner civil rights claims and prompt legislative change.

“近60年来,这些诊所一直为那些没有其他途径获得社会正义的人提供优质、合乎道德和称职的法律服务。,” said Clinical Professor of Law Melissa Brown他担任法律诊所主任并监督长老 & Health Law Clinic. “社区法律服务致力于代表‘整个’客户, which often involves interdisciplinary collaboration and solutions.

“Students learn how to identify these issues, research, draft documents, 案例管理技能和如何运用他们的法律教育来造福他们的客户. 我们的学生将这些技能和价值观带入他们的法律职业生涯。.

这些诊所为麦克乔治大学的学生提供了宝贵的机会,让他们在代表客户进行遗嘱认证时获得实践经验, immigration, superior, bankruptcy and federal courts. 他们学习调解和立法宣传的艺术和技巧. Clinic students learn to apply legal theory to practice, develop professional lawyering skills, 获得为客户辩护的实践经验,并以真实的方式学习律师如何改变生活.

Four of the clinics are operated on-campus. Known collectively as Community Legal Services, 他们是一家全年运营的律师事务所,拥有多达50名经过认证的法律学生和7名律师. Students work with clients in the areas of bankruptcy, elder and health law, homeless advocacy and immigration law under the supervision of attorneys.

“参加移民法诊所是我在麦克乔治大学期间的亮点,因为我可以与客户互动,并指导他们了解法律体系,” said Yessica López ’22, who worked under the supervision of attorney Blake Nordahl. “我在客户的案件中做出的决定会影响他们的余生.”

三家校外诊所为学生提供了在联邦法院工作的机会, prisons and the Legislature—the Federal Defender Clinic, the Legislative and Public Policy Clinic and the Prisoner Civil Rights Mediation Clinic.

麦克乔治大学是美国仅有的两家联邦辩护律师诊所之一,学生可以在联邦法院处理法官和陪审团审判. In the Prisoner Civil Rights Mediation Clinic, 学生参与调解索赔的各个方面,例如在联邦法院提起的过度使用武力. 立法和公共政策诊所学生的成功记录与许多专业游说者不相上下. 自2015年立法与公共政策诊所成立以来, 学生们已经起草了17项法案,并已成为法律,其中有几项与社区法律服务机构认为需要立法解决的问题有关.

麦克乔治是全国第六所法学院,也是西海岸第一所要求学生完成两项真实法律实践经历的法学院. 法律专业的学生参加一个或多个这样的诊所计数对这种体验式学习的要求, 完成超过125个实习机会中的一个也是如此, 包括与州和联邦审判和上诉法院法官的实习, state and federal agencies and non-profit organizations.

The clinics’ recent advocacy includes:

  • 今年秋天,参加无家可归者倡导诊所的学生帮助消除了大约622个国家超过1.62亿美元的刑事债务,000 traffic infractions, including living in a vehicle, camping, panhandling and other activities. 萨克拉门托高等法院同意向非法收取民事评估费的个人退款.
  • 移民法律诊所代理非公民,否则他们将无法获得法律代理. It hosted an Immigration Fair on campus on March 17. Through the fair, 24名学生协助80名阿富汗难民申请临时保护身份.
  • This spring, the Elder & 健康诊所正在举办一场由三部分组成的虐待老人意识路演,名为“不”.’ is a complete sentence: Say No to Elder Abuse!“现场戏剧活动展示了专业演员表演常见的经济剥削场景. 该诊所与Capital Stage合作举办了互动剧场活动,探讨经济上的老年人虐待是如何发生的,并展示如何以及为什么要对家人说“不”, friends and solicitors. Several more roadshows are planned in the coming year.
  • In 2021 and 2022, the Elder & 健康法律诊所为他们的老年金融滥用客户追回了400多万美元的资产.

社区法律服务所服务的人数不断增加, cases closed and economic benefit in the community. In 2021 and 2022, 社区法律服务创造了500多万美元的经济效益, closed 699 cases, 并提供法律援助和代理,使763名个人客户受益,104 members of their households.

社区法律服务位于萨克拉门托34街2925号的麦克乔治法学院校园. Requests for legal assistance are by appointment only. Community Legal Services can be reached by email at or by phone at 916-340-6080. Telephone hours are from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. and from 1:30–4 p.m. on weekdays.